Welcome to the coaching knife when we cut to the root of the matter. In this episode, we speak to Gordon MacClelland, CEO of Working with Parents in Sport.
Focusing on how you coach your own child, we are going to cut to the root on how you can effectively wear two hats.
Welcome to the coaching knife when we cut to the root of the matter. In this episode, we speak to Gordon MacClelland, CEO of Working with Parents in Sport.
Focusing on how you coach your own child, we are going to cut to the root on how you can effectively wear two hats.
Gordon spent 25 years in sport and education, coaching at all levels, and a sports parent with two children involved in performance sport. He has published some great books on this area, including Two Hats, talking to sports stars about coaching your own child, and Sports Performance Parenting.
His philosophy is: To empower people to work together, build strong relationships in amazing environments so that young people can thrive both in and out of their sport. To lead, share failings and give people confidence to fulfil their roles.
You can contact him by email: gordon@wwpis.co.uk or visit the website www.parentsinsport.co.uk.
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