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U8 rugby drills and games

Most under 8s, just like U7s players have very little appreciation of the game of rugby. If they have already been playing tag for a year, they will at least understand about "tag" rules, if not the principles of play. However, the challenges remain the same as for under 7s:  keeping the players engaged in rugby-like activities which give them a taste of the game. Spend lots of time on simple games which develop:

  • Evasive skills
  • Ball handling, with some catch and pass
  • Team awareness

Remember that the players are likely:

  • To be selfish
  • To lack concentration
  • To be difficult put into ordered drills or activities.

So, don't fret too much if they don't seem to conform to a team. As long as they are having fun, and the session isn't too long, then your job is done. For warm up games try:

For evasive and awareness activities try:

For ball handling games and activities try:

Click here for a guide to coaching U8s and tag rugby. Click here for refereeing and game coaching tips.

Age Groups
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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 204

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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 204
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TAG rugby tactics that actually make sense

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Adapting tag sessions into full rugby sessions

Adapting tag sessions into full rugby sessions

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How best to communicate with your players during training

How best to communicate with your players during training

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