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Rucking & Mauling

Rucking drills help develop the most effective and safest ruck techniques. Mauling drills achieve the same.

In this range of activities, you will see ruck drills and maul drills mixed in with ruck and maul scenarios.


Also, we have rucking games where players can be put into more dynamic, ruck decision making situations.

In addition, look out for our ruck and maul warm ups too.

Age Groups
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Ruck transformers

Ruck transformers

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Maul ball for all

Maul ball for all

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Quick ball placement

Quick ball placement

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Ball control out of contact

Ball control out of contact

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Winning the support race

Winning the support race

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3v3 chop and turnover

3v3 chop and turnover

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Scramble rucks

Scramble rucks

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Ruck: take the space

Ruck: take the space

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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 204

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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 204
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Hack and plunder

Hack and plunder

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Win rucks with 1 player

Win rucks with 1 player

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Busy bees

Busy bees

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Thunder rucking

Thunder rucking

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Better heights

Better heights

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Counter rucking

Counter rucking

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Exit 22

Exit 22

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Roles & responsibilities

Roles & responsibilities

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Contact confidence: touch-tackle-ruck

Contact confidence: touch-tackle-ruck

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Quick ruck ball: Create a mindset and system

Quick ruck ball: Create a mindset and system

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Ruck, ruck, ruck

Ruck, ruck, ruck

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Win the last yards

Win the last yards

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Win back maul ball

Win back maul ball

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Close the ruck gate

Close the ruck gate

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Scrap, scrap, scrap!

Scrap, scrap, scrap!

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Rugby Coach Weekly

Rugby Coach Weekly offers proven and easy to use rugby drills, coaching sessions, practice plans, small-sided games, warm-ups, training tips and advice.


We've been at the cutting edge of rugby coaching since we launched in 2005, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779