Develop your players’ skills within a game-realistic context.
In this article, I outlined the theory behind the constraints-led approach to coaching, where skills are learned and developed within the context of the game.
Below is a sample session plan used in an U16s academy session, to break down a hammer/blitz defence and focus on tactical skill acquisition.
The plan incorporates three sections:
This plan allows the coach to facilitate without leading, and gives the players a high degree of ownership regarding the content and outcomes of the session.
Based on the existing knowledge of the needs and abilities of the players, the coach can direct and intercede at any point to maintain focus and progress within the session.
Players come up with outcomes they want to achieve, success criteria to judge progress, and quick prompts they want to hear from the coach to maintain technical and tactical skill focus.
Session: Two
Focus: Constraints led, self-directed session
Age: U16 academy session
Aim: Self-directed aims proposed by players, based on the purpose of the session
Purpose: Tactical attack focus - Breaking down a defensive strategy - Hammer/blitz
Warm Up (self-organise) | ||
Initial plan |
Intrinsic/extrinsic feedback techniques |
Possible outcomes suggested by players |
2. Straight into a non-conditioned game: Two-handed touch – pop or place (players to be considering outcomes during the game) 4 mins
3. Teams then break off to discuss outcomes and establish feedback 2 mins
SELF-DIRECTED PHASE 6. Players return to game, with constraints on defence – three ’downs’ per attack, to maximise attack time
b) Dynamic one-phase breakdown practice, if there are issues around alignment, depth or width
Self-determined success criteria
Open questioning: Perceived challenges and possible solutions
Posed questioning: How did that feel?; What if...?; How might...?; Evaluate the impact of...
Quick prompts ‘in situ’, based on player aims: e.g. hips square, footwork, target hands
Freeze/rewind (20 secs max): Pose issues and allow players to identify solutions
Optional session content: To meet demands of the session aims
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