Using good practice from the classroom, teacher and coach MASON DAVIES looks at the benefits of spaced practice and interleaving in training on the field.
In the November 24, 2023 issue (RCW 137), I discussed the importance of retrieval practice: the ability to recall something from our long-term memory, to further enhance and improve it.
Among the key components I wrote about were the benefits to our players of being able to recall specific skills, laws and moves.
What teachers and coaches have in common, here, are the questions of when and for what purpose: When should we get our players to recall from long-term memory, and what purpose does this serve?
To help answer both questions, education has frequently leaned upon the concepts of ‘spaced practice’/’spacing’, and ‘interleaving’.
Let’s explore both concepts and how they can help to support long-term learning, both in the classroom and on the field.
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