Work on options to attack the line flat or pull the pass back to a player running wider into space. A block pass is a pass behind an attacker to another attacker.
This is a tough decision-making exercise because players have to make late passing decisions, while receivers have to time their runs to find the gaps.
A 25m-wide, 15m-long area, with cones and three ruck pads, plus balls.
ACTIVITY: Set up four attackers and three ruck pad-holders, as per the top illustration. Assign letters A to E to each gap. Put a feeder at the side of the box. Call out which gaps the ruck pad-holders have to run through. When they move forward, the feeder releases the ball and the attacking team aims to score without contact with the ruck pad-holders/ Adjust the starting distances to offer different pressures.
GAME SITUATION: Split into groups of about six or more, mixing forwards and backs. Nominate four attackers to set up, then three defenders. As the defenders get into position to cover the field, release the attackers with a pass from a feeder. It is best to play full contact or scrag tackle. Adjust by setting up the defenders first and having the attackers flow round into the box.
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