This is a short flat pass, where the passer then supports the receiver as they go into contact. It can unbalance the defence because of the change of focus.
Creating 2v1 mismatches is just as effective in close as in space.
A 5m square per group of four players: two defenders with ruck pads, two attackers with a ball.
Activity: In the 5m square, the attacking pair enter from opposite corners. The ruck pad-holders stand close together (see top illustration). The ball carrier runs at one of them and, in the last 2m, passes to the supporting player, who runs onto the ball at pace and aims to smash between the two defenders who resist (see middle illustration). Players attack and defend in different partnerships in 30-second sets.
Development: Develop with the initial ball carrier following the supporter into contact and driving them from behind to add extra power (see bottom illustration).
NOTE: If the player latches before contact and then falls to the ground with the tackled player, it is a penalty against the latcher.
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