Kabaddi is the national game of Bangladesh. Here is a version you can use with your rugby team. It can be used as a rugby warm-up drill, or something completely different to finish off an intense rugby training session.
What is Kabaddi?
It is played by two teams in a 12.5m x 10m court split in two. A player from one side enters the other team's court, tries to touch an opposition player and then get back to his court, all while holding his breath. If successful he scores a point, if not the other team scores a point.
Chanting kabaddi (car-bad-ee) and capture
When a player (the "raider") enters the other team's zone, he must chant "kabaddi-kabaddi" without a break and without drawing breath. If he stops, then he has failed. He also fails if he cannot return to his zone. He can be prevented by being pushed out of the box, or simply tackled and held.
Other rules
Variations and ideas
A raider
The defenders (the "stoppers")
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