The aim is to get your players in place quickly to attack at pace from the next ruck, in this simple to execute realignment activity.
Create and keep depth in an attacking line, run onto the ball at pace and still have space and time to pass.
At least ten cones and one ball.
Activity: Set out the cones as in the top illustration, with a ‘tackle line’ about 5m in front of the first cone. To the side of the cones, put four to five players a ball and a scrum half. When you shout “Go!”, the players run into position behind the cones. Once the first receiver is happy their team-mates are all in place, they call for the ball. It is passed along the line to the last player, ensuring that every player runs onto the ball and the last pass is before the ‘tackle line’. Repeat with different players taking up the first receiver role, then swap so players pass from right to left.
Development: Two defenders start 10m in front of the attacking line and pressurise the first two attackers. Take away the cones to see if the players can align themselves correctly. Time how quickly the players can get into position and then pass the ball to the end of the line.
Put a group of players in the circle next to the cones, with a 9 and a ball next to the circle
The players run around the cones to receive the ball
Only once all the players are correctly aligned should the first receiver call for the ball then pass it
All the players have to run onto the pass, and all the passes should be made before the tackle line
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