For 10-20 seconds, your players race at full speed onto every pass, creating a sense of go-forward. Don’t worry about mistakes: just react, realign and attack.
Play to the limits of what your team are capable of. Control the speed by throwing in new balls when things slow down.
Cones and balls.
Warm-up: Split your players into groups of four, initially, and align them to either side of you. Start the task by popping a ball to each group. They race each other to the far side of the area; the first group to cross the line with the ball wins. The ball must be passed along the line of four, with every player handling it.
Activity: Split your players into groups of about eight, including a scrum-half. Each group takes it in turn to attack the far side of the box, initially unopposed and at full speed. You control the attack by calling “Tackle!” at various points. You carry two spare balls and give the 9 one of them if you feel the ball in play is not being presented or recycled quickly enough. The aim is to get each group playing a lot faster than they normally would.
Developments: Move around the box and drop a ball, which becomes the new ball to play from. Add four opposition players and start with conditioned touch.
Two lines race to the end of the box
Throw the ball to the nearest player as they draw level with you
Players run forward, passing
When you call tackle, the player on the ground presents the ball and the next player passes from the ground quickly
Increase the tempo by throwing in a new ball
Move to different parts of the box with a new ball, which you put down and the players play from there. Then, add four defenders and play touch rugby
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We've been at the cutting edge of rugby coaching since we launched in 2005, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.