Work from left to right, and back a number of times up a channel, aiming to keep possession and go forward at the same time.
Develops a tactic that can be used to retain possession when running down the clock, or to set up a drop goal.
Two 5m channels, ruck pads and a 15m box for the game situation.
ACTIVITY: Two ruck pad-holders start in each channel, with two attackers in one of the channels. One of these drives into the pads, goes to ground, presents an imaginary ball, and the other player drives over. They recover and drive into the next set of pads, repeating left and right for at least four goes.
GAME SITUATION: Put six attackers and a 9 at one end of the channel, and two sets of ruck pad-holders and a defender on either side of the box. The attack runs forward into the first set of defenders, recycles the ball and then passes to the other set. The attack can only make one pass after each contact, and not drive forward more than 3m. The 9 moves from ruck to ruck, while the players recycle themselves for the next contact. Stop after an infringement or after six contacts.
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