Teach players to bounce themselves, and therefore the ball, off the ground and back into the game. They will embrace the ground as part of a skill for continuity.
Players should think only about popping up the ball straight after landing on the ground. That puts the fall, and bouncing the ball away, in their minds first. It stops them thinking about putting out a hand to break the fall, or just collapsing.
Warm-up: A ball carrier starts on their knees, with another player behind them. When you shout “Tackle”, they fall forward and present the ball back to their team-mate, in any style they want. Their team-mate picks up the ball and they swap places. Repeat, but, this time, you shout “Bounce”. As the ball carrier falls forward, they aim to land and bounce on their sides or back, so the ball is popped up. The team-mate runs forward to take the pass. Have lots of goes – the players will discover the best way to make the ball seemingly bounce up.
Activity: A ball carrier stands 2m in front of a receiver, who has another player behind them. The ball carrier passes to the receiver as they jog forward. As soon as the receiver takes the ball, they fall to the ground and then ‘bounce’, with the ball being popped up to the next player. Keep rotating the players’ roles.
Game: Touch rugby. If the ball carrier is touched, they pass to a player moving onto the ball. That player runs level with the ball carrier, falls and bounces up the ball to a team-mate. Use endless tackles, but turn over the ball if it’s dropped, the receiver is not running onto the ball or the receiver falls without two hands on the ball.
Ball carrier starts on their knees
Call “Tackle”: the ball carrier falls forward and then presents the ball back
Call “Bounce”: the ball carrier falls forward, twists and bounces on their side or back, and then pops the ball up to the supporting player
Receiver runs towards the ball carrier
A supporting player follows the ball carrier
The ball carrier makes a short pass
As soon as the receiver takes the pass, they fall and ‘bounce’ the ball to the receiver
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