This session thrives on the unusual directions a rugby ball takes when it rolls along the ground and how the players react to it.
Improves footwork, vision, communication and reaction skills, as well as making for an alternative method of training.
A 15m by 20m box, balls and 20m by 25m box plus cones for the game.
ACTIVITY: Split players into groups of three. Two groups start at one end of the box, with a ball on the ground in front of them. They dribble the ball forward, before you shout “Down!”. The player nearest the ball drops on it and presents. The next player has to drive over the player on the ground and, finally, the last player has to pick up the ball and run to the far end.
GAME SITUATION: Set up the pitch as in the bottom illustration. Split the players into four or five in each team. One team starts with the ball and kicks it. Both teams play football. They can’t kick the ball more than 5m. They aim to score in the 5m goals at the end line. If you shout “Down!”, it becomes a normal game of rugby, with the try lines as the goals. If the ball goes out over the end line, the non-offending team starts with the ball 5m from their line, with the other team 5m away.
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