By improving their footwork, communication and confidence, your players will get in front of the ball carrier and tackle powerfully.
Develops players’ footwork to be in position to tackle powerfully.
Five-metre boxes and a ball per box.
ACTIVITY: The attacking player has five seconds to get away from the defender by moving side-to-side between the cones. On your signal, the attacker has to move forward and score between the cones without being touched. The defender has to stay opposite the attacker and make a two-handed touch when the attacker tries to score. They then swap over.
DEVELOPMENT: Two attackers move left and right between the cones until you signal to them to go forward. Defenders have to stay opposite the attackers and then move forward to meet them. Develop so that attacking players can change places as they move from side-to-side. Increase the contact to grab holds.
GAME: Use two defenders against one attacker to practise the double tackle. Pass the ball to an an attacker, who tries to beat two tacklers. Tacklers must work on communication: Who tackles low or high? Who hits first?
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