If you break down the core rugby skills of the winger you will see all the techniques they need to use require specific training:
Skill focus
Attacking skills
Wingers are rarely given a straight run to the line. They need to develop a range of attacking options to add to their armoury.
However, it is not usually the side step but the swerve that will give the winger an advantage in open play.
Coaching the swerve
The swerve is where the player moves smoothly from one angle of run to another. This takes advantage of the defender's lunge one way, to beat them the other way.
There are two main ways of coaching the swerve, which I've listed here in increasing difficulty.
1. Natural weight drill
2. Footwork drill
Speed training drills in season
Real speed increases will normally be experienced during the off-season, where technique and form can be developed.
In season, players should be kept sharp with acceleration and change of direction rugby drills.
Of course these are not exclusive to wingers, but the first drill, illustrated below, is the most specific, since acceleration over a longer distance is an important part of the attacking winger's armoury.
Key rugby coaching tip: Scientific research shows that carrying the ball in two hands, rather than one, significantly reduces a player's speed. Players also usually have a preferred hand in which to carry the ball.
So where speed is the attacking weapon, wingers should revert to the one-handed carry, using their preferred hand.
Click the link to order a copy of Rocket Rugby, a rugby fitness manual with exercises to boost stamina, speed, strength and agility.
Click the link to get rugby coaching tips for speed drills.
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