Improve the basics of handling by isolating the movement of the upper body first, which will engrain the right habits in your players.
By focusing initially on just the arms and hands, you can engrain the right body movements for proper passing actions - and then put the passer under pressure.
One ball between three players, a 5m square.
ACTIVITY: Get the players to line up 5m apart as if they were passing the ball along the line. The player in the middle lies on their back. The standing player passes the ball to the player on the ground, who then passes to the other standing player. Then go back in the other direction. At first, players will try to push the ball, as in a basketball chest pass, but reinforce that they must pass in the same way as if they were standing up.
DEVELOPMENTS: Get the middle player to kneel/sit while passing. Increase realism by adding a defender and having the middle player walk, and then run, to the ball before passing.
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