Place your lifting pods under pressure with this multi-directional lineout exercise. Players must constantly adjust and still be technically accurate. By IAN DIDDAMS.
The scoring test will put the players under pressure to be accurate when it matters.
Two coned circles, one of 5m radius within a second of 10m radius. Four equidistant stations are marked on each circle. A central cone is placed in the circles. Use four balls.
Thrower stands on the central cone with four balls available. The lifting pod begins on one of the 5m circle stations, with the front lifter standing tight to the station. The thrower throws to the pod; the ball is placed on the station after the pod completion. The pod moves to the next station. Repeat this four times. The pod then moves to the centre cone with the front lifter standing tight to it. The thrower moves to where the balls are now placed, on the inner circle stations. The throwing repeats with the thrower moving to each ball in turn and throwing to the central pod; the balls are left in the middle at pod completion. Finally, repeat twice but using the outer circle. Either have one throw per pod position - and award points for each successful pod catch - or time the squad’s total time to complete the 16 pods successfully with a clean catch as success. Failed catches are repeated, with the ball returned to the thrower to continue.
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