Develop your players’ ability to jump to catch a high ball under pressure. This activity aims to give your players more confidence.
A jump to catch a high ball is not just a vertical jump. The player has to be moving into the space in front of them to dominate the situation.
One ball and two ruck pads per group; two 10m boxes about 3m wide and one ball for the game situation.
ACTIVITY: Two players hold ruck pads at head height about 5m in front of the catcher, no more than arms’ distance apart. The catcher runs at the gap in the pads. Standing behind the pads, throw the ball over the pad holders so the player has to leap and catch the ball either just before, over or through the pads. Increase the distances and have the pad holders move forward and backwards to develop.
GAME SITUATION: Put two attackers and a kicker about 20m away from two 10m boxes. One defender starts in front of the kicker and another is just behind the boxes. The kicker aims to land the ball in the boxes so they are contestable by their own players. The defender in front of the kicker can try to block the kick or run back to help their team-mate.
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