This game encourages accurate and fast passing, developing into passing at pace, both by going forward and moving the ball laterally.
Lots of passing practice doesn’t reward accurate passing. Unless the pass isn’t executed well, the passing group won’t beat the lone runner.
Six cones and one ball.
ACTIVITY: Set up as in the first illustration. Though the players here are 2m apart, adjust the distances to suit your players. The ‘runner’ starts by passing to the first player in the line. They then sprint around the back and towards the gate inside the final receiver. The runner aims to get through this gate before the last pass is made to intercept the pass (see the middle illustration). Meanwhile, the other players pass the ball along the line, aiming for the ball to reach the end receiver before the runner gets around to the last gate.
DEVELOPMENT: Develop by having the passers moving forward as they pass (see bottom illustration).
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