Faster passing shifts the ball to areas where the defence is not. Defenders find quick passing more challenging, because their focus is constantly changing.
Faster passing shifts the ball to where the defence is not. Defences find quick passing more challenging because their focus is constantly changing.
A 5m square; then a 10m square for the game.
Activity: Groups of three run across the 5m square, passing as fast as they can. The player in the middle aims to take and give the pass in one movement. When they reach the other group, they pop the ball and the exercise continues. Keep changing the player in the middle. Ensure players practise passing in both directions.
Development: Use groups of four, instead of three, in a 5m square. Now, the two middle players must take and give passes quickly. Start a loop, where the first player passes and runs to the end of the line to receive the last pass. The other players have to step in to create space, as well as pass quickly.
Game situation: In a 10m square, play 4v3, using fast passing to get the ball beyond the defenders and score. The defenders can only focus on the first three players. Each time they score, move the defensive line forward 1 metre. Use cones to mark where the defence starts each time, Challenge the teams to beat each other’s record of how close the defence started.
Encourage players to reach for the ball
Watch it into the fingertips
Catch it away from the body
Three players start in a flat line
They run forward, passing, before the end player passes on to the waiting player
Introduce a loop, where the first or second passer runs to take a final pass
Four players run forward, passing the ball to the last player
Three defenders target the first three players
If successful, the defence starts 1m closer the next time
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