Work on passing out of the contact. The variability of how the attacker is held back increases the learning outcomes, as players face new passing challenges.
Works on both passing and passing out of the contact. The variability of how the attacker is held back increases the learning outcomes as players face new passing challenges.
A ball. A 20m box for the game.
Activity: In pairs, players take turns to resist each other. The working player runs through two others, receiving and giving a pass while their partner provides resistance. The resistance should allow the player to run but make them work hard.
Developments: Vary the distance the player needs to pass. You can vary this from player to player depending on their ability. Add a second set of passers, so, after running through the first set, the resisting player lets go and the runner accelerates through the second set, taking and giving a pass.
Game: Set up a 4v4. The tacklers must grab the ball carrier by the waist and hold on to make a tackle. Once held, the ball carrier can drive forward for four paces before they must pass. If they can’t pass to a support player, or the pass goes to ground, it is turned over. More than one tackler can go for the ball carrier.
The holder grabs the shorts at waist height
The attacker leans forward, keeping their hands away from the body to take, hold and pass the ball
The working player takes and gives a pass as they move through a gate of players
Work both ways. Make the gate wider to challenge better players
If the ball carrier is grabbed and held, they have four seconds to pass the ball
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