Players often understand the advantages of a skill, such as putting pace on the ball, but are not so certain of how and when to do so. So a one-element drill session is helpful.
It is also means different outcomes for the various types of players. For instance, where are your centres going to put pace on the ball? And what about the props? How are they going to utilise pace on the ball?
Aim of the drill - to create pace on the ball
This skill is all about carrying the ball forward quickly, to exploit gaps in the defence. It therefore forces defenders to turn and chase. The faster the ball moves forward in the hands of the attacker the less time the defence has to react.
Rugby drill 1
Develop the drill
Rugby drill 2
Game awareness skills
Rugby drills that focus on getting pace on the ball are not just about coaching players to accelerate onto the ball. They are also about attacking gaps. So with pace comes angles. Hence the individual developments.
Game awareness requires players to drift with the pass, to beat a slower defender, or to cut back against the pass, to then cut inside a defender who might have the player’s path covered.
Pace on the ball drill
Run the rugby drill
Click the link to order a copy of Coaching Rugby, a manual with over 100 drills and games to coach all the basics.
Click the link for a rugby drill to get players running on to a pass at pace.
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