There are two key factors to executing an inside slip pass effectively:
The inside slip pass
In this rugby coaching drill the strike runner hides behind the initial passer for as long as possible before changing direction to accelerate on to the pass.
The player delivering the slip pass has to wait until the last second before giving the pass. If it is executed perfectly, he should get tackled, since the tackler should be fully committed to making the hit.
The pass needs to be a soft pop pass into the space beside the defender. If it is given too early, there is a chance of an interception, so timing is crucial.
The strike runner starts his run slowly and only accelerates as he changes direction. He runs at the inside shoulder of the tackler and angles away slightly as he receives the ball.
Get the defenders to vary the speed they move forward at, so the attacking players have to react to what is happening in front of them.
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