This practice will help your defenders get balanced and ensure they don’t get stepped past on their inside or outside by the attackers.
A weak shoulder is where the defender cannot tackle effectively with both shoulders.
Cones, balls and a 30m by 20m box for the game.
ACTIVITY: Set up a feeder, attacker and defender as in the top image. The feeder passes to the attacker, who aims to score either over the two-point line or the one-point line. The defender has to make sure they do not give up their ‘inside’ and still make a tackle on the ‘outside’. They may have to give up some ground to stop the outside attack. Make sure the players swap sides so they work on both shoulders. Use touch tackling to start with, where the defender has to get two hands on the ball carrier.
GAME SITUATION: Four attackers and two defenders start in the box, with a feeder at one side. Once the feeder passes the ball, the attackers try to score at the far end. They can only run forward, but can pass left or right. Allow no rucks or offloads. After a score or an infringement, start the same group but from the other side. Swap roles after an attempt from each side.
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