Retain possession in a two-man tackle. Support players stop opponents using a choke tackle to hold up the ball carrier and create a maul.
Retain possession in a two-man tackle, so your supporting players can help protect the ball. It should reduce the chances of the opposition using a choke tackle to hold up the ball carrier and create a maul.
An 8m square, containing a 5m square. Put a ball at each end of the 8m square.
Activity: Put four numbered players at the corners of the 5m square – 1 and 2 play against 3 and 4. Call out a number; that player goes around the corner of the larger box and then picks up the ball to attack. The other three players go around their own corners and then re-enter to play. The pair with the ball aims to score over the far line of the smaller box.
Development: Set out cones with four attackers (dark shirts) and four defenders (white shirts), as in the bottom illustration. Give the two attackers at the far line the numbers 1 and 2. Call a number; that player has to turn around, retrieve the ball and attack. The other players move in, playing full contact rugby. The attack aims to score at the far end. They have another attempt if they score, or make it past the middle set of cones. Otherwise, the teams swap roles.
Give each player a number. When their number is called, they run from the inside cones to the outside cones
The nominated player picks up the ball and aims to score at the end of the small box
Add in two more attackers and two more defenders. Now, the called player repeats as above
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