Put your slow-ball ruck plays into more game-like situations. This wrap-play exercise is a good starting point; you can then use it to develop other tactics.
A wrap play turns slow ball into quick ball and allows your 9 to recycle it at pace.
A 10m square; groups of seven players, with one acting as a scrum half; two ruck pad-holders per group to challenge the three-man group; and a ball.
Activity: In the 10m square, the ball is fed to the middle player of a group of three. Two defenders with ruck pads stand close to the gain line in the middle of the square (see top illustration). Once the three have ‘wrapped up’ the two pad-holders, by taking them out and presenting the ball, the 9 approaches the ball (see middle illustration).
They pick it up and pop it to the support runner, who takes it at pace and crosses the gain line (see bottom illustration). The passer does not have to be a scrum half, although, ideally, they would call this play, because they can see whether they have a quick passing option or not.
Set three players in front of two ruck pad holders
Get close to the gain line for the pass
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