Three players in a 10m x 5m box. The middle player has the ball.
Referring to picture 1, tell your “tackler” he is not aiming to provide too much initial resistance. Player 2 runs forward with the ball. Player 1 runs backwards 2m away from the ball carrier. Player 3 tracks player 2 from behind, running forward. Player 3 latches on to Player 2 and drives him forward in to player 1. Player 1 offers mild resistance without trying to tackle or steal the ball. Once they reach the end of the channel go back the other way, Players 1 and 3 swapping roles.
Look at picture 2: Tight bind around the hips immediately before contact to improve momentum. Keep the shoulder in contact at all times just under the “ledge” of the backside, like a flanker pushing on a prop at the scrum. Keep the spine in line with the ball carrier and the back straight. Look 1 to 2m ahead of the ball carrier to scan for potential obstacles. Steps should be short and quick.
In a 10m square, use eight defenders with ruck pads and two attackers as in picture 3. Attackers go to the defenders in number order (1-2-3-4). The ball carrier must always go through the centre cones but the tracker does not have to. Drive ball carrier through the gap between the pads for 1 to 3m then swap.
The latch on should come before contact. If momentum is lost, the second man releases his grip to clean out defender(s) then strip the ball and break away. If the ball carrier goes to ground, the second man should protect the ball and stay on his feet if the pad men are on him. If they are not, he should pick up the ball. The second man should vary which shoulder he uses in the drive and instruct the ball carrier: ”Go forward!” or “strip the ball to me!”
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