Improve tackling by teaching players to make more shoulder contacts. Rolled-up socks reduce players’ inclination to grab in the tackle.
Improve tackling by teaching players to make more shoulder contacts. Rolled up socks reduce the players’ inclination to grab in the tackle.
Impact with the shoulder helps players make a stronger contact, but also be in safe position to complete the tackle. Rolled up socks are easier for players of all sizes. Rolled up bibs work, too.
Set out 4m squares with four players, two rugby balls and four rolled up socks in each square.
Activity: Each pair works along one side of the square. One player has the ball and jogs toward the tackler, who is holding a sock in each hand to stop them grabbing the ball carrier. The tackler runs out to meet the ball carrier. They plant a foot in the ‘tackle zone’ (as close to the ball carrier as possible) and make contact with their shoulder. Increase the speed so the tackle becomes more intense. Then, remove the socks and get the tackler to work with their arms behind their back. The idea is the same: The tackler gets in close to the ball carrier, plants a foot and hits with the same shoulder. Get ball carriers to introduce lateral movement to make tacklers move sideways before contact.
Game situation: Move on to an exercise where all four players work in pairs diagonally across the square. Work in sets of 10 tackles.
Develop with the tackler just impacting with their shoulder; so, with their hands behind their backs
A ball carrier runs across the box and passes the ball to the player coming towards them
The non-ball carrier rounds the cone and turns to come forward to tackle the oncoming ball carrier
The ball carrier rounds the cone and aims to score over the cone they started on
After the tackle, the ball is thrown to one of the next pair of players
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