It is easy to place the ball if the ball carrier has forward momentum. Use this activity to develop better leg drive in contact.
The ball carrier has to create as much momentum in the last few yards after the tackle as they can, so they have a chance of a better ball placement. A good gain means getting beyond the defence, giving their team-mates an easier target to drive over.
A ball per group of four. Use an area by a touchline, about 5m wide for each group.
ACTIVITY: On the touchline, two players start on their fronts, side by side, facing a player with a ball, who is also on their front. Another player is directly behind them. The player with the ball rises to their feet, aiming to get to the 5m line, with the player behind them helping. The players in front of them are trying to stop them. Stop if the ball carrier goes to ground or loses the ball.
DEVELOPMENTS: Add another defender if the ball carrier is too successful. Increase the starting distances. Play a 2v2 game in a 5m long, 10m wide box.
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