Break down an organised defence by focusing on space outside their 10. These two plays require a good level of skill to run the right lines and time those runs.
The angles should give your team a chance to get over the tackle line, if not break the line.
A 20m wide, 15m long box, two ruck pads and a ball.
Activity: A feeder stands at the side of the box, with two ruck pad-holders at the far end facing three attackers. The first ruck pad-holder focuses on the first receiver (F); the second pad-holder focuses on either of the other two players. The first receiver calls either a “Slice” or “Block” play. If they call a slice, 1 runs out and 2 runs in, with 1 going before the 2. They then pass to the player who is running to the space. On the block play, 2 runs in front of 1, with either a late pass behind 2 to 1, an early pass to 2 who passes to 1 on the switch, or a late pass to 2.
Game situation: Put a ruck pad on the ground halfway up one side of the box, with a ball next to it. Three defenders start in the box, with the ruck pad acting as the offside line. Three attackers start at the end of the box. They have to use the moves to get to the other end.
Runner 1 runs out and behind runner 2, who runs out, and then in, in front of 1
The first defender marks the feeder if they run, and then moves out to help
A feeder passes or runs from a ruck pad
The attackers use one of their moves to break the defence
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