This session combines conditioning with conditioning games. Players will work hard for about an hour, after which you can increase the amount of contact or split into unit work. Referee the games hard and encourage players to take pride in their output.
Warm up time: 5-7
Session time: 40-50
Development time:
Game time: 15-20
Warm down time: 5-8
What to think about
Because players get a chance to play these “games” four times, if not more, during the session, they will become more adept at the tactics.
And because they are working against different teams, it develops their ability to adjust tactics.
However, just like a real match, they will have to make adjustments when they are tired.
Whether you decide to be a part of the encouraging noise or stand back depends on how much you want players to take control of their fitness.
Less is better, but sometimes you need to intervene to push them a little further.
- Concentrate on good technique in conditioning areas. Push yourself a little further each time.
- Work hard for your team mates in the games. Lots of noise to keep yourself involved.
What you get your players to do
Divide pitch into four quarters (see picture 1). Split into teams of four to six.
Three teams: AvB in game area 1, C in conditioning area 1. Then rotate for AvC in game area 1 with B in conditioning 1. For the final game, BvC in game area 1 with A in conditioning 1. Move to game area 2 and conditioning area 2and repeat the cycle.
Four teams: AvB in game area 1, C and D conditioning area 1, then groups switch from game to conditioning.
Move to game 2 and conditioning area 2 with AvC playing the game and B and D conditioning.
Switch teams from game to conditioning.
Finally back to game area 1 and conditioning area 1 for AvD playing the game and B and C conditioning.
Switch teams from game to conditioning so each will have played and conditioned three times.
Game 1
End ball with kicking: The ball can be passed in any direction. No player can run with the ball. The
ball can be kicked. The ball has to be passed into the passing zone to score, or kicked to bounce in the
kicking zone (see picture 3, bottom). Dropped ball is a turnover.
Game 2
Three-second touch rugby: One-handed touch. The ball carrier has three seconds to pass the ball.
The scorer has to go over the line untouched. The try is only scored if the whole team is over the try line within 10 seconds. If a team scores, it runs back to its own try line. The side that conceded the try can only restart when all its players are behind their own try line (see picture 3, top, for area).
Conditioning 1
Going across pitch: Walk 5m, jog 10m, run across the middle 15m, jog 10m, walk 5m, turn and repeat five times (see picture 2, bottom).
Conditioning 2
A: 1 v 1 scrum - One player pushes 2m, the other yields slowly, then swap. Do this five times.
B: 1 v 1 wrestle - One player with a ball is wrestled to the ground then stripped of the ball. Swap. Repeat five times.
C: Crawl out 5m, jog back, sprint out 15m and back. Repeat five times (see picture 2, top).
Note on conditioning: Change the exercises to suit your needs – say punching a ruck pad 20 times.
Timings: Four minutes maximum for each section. Rest for a minute after each round.