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Practice Plans

Covering core and advanced skills, each Practice Plan provides the blueprint for an entire session for you to run with your team. A quick read through and you've got a ready-made session to take on to the pitch. Perfect for when you're running late and don't have time to hunt around for new ideas.


Practice Plans can be adapted by the coach to suit any age group from age 7 to 16, and are appropriate for adult teams. As a Rugby Coach Weekly subscriber you can access all 200 Practice Plans on the website covering the entire range of skills and tactics, in a format you can easily print and take to training.

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Go forward from the lineout

Go forward from the lineout

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Long pass plays

Long pass plays

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Four-man contact pods

Four-man contact pods

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Increase your options for 10

Increase your options for 10

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Become the perfect decoy

Become the perfect decoy

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Pod-by-pod go forward

Pod-by-pod go forward

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Get ready to blitz

Get ready to blitz

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Contact rescue

Contact rescue

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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 201

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Rugby Coach Weekly Issue 201
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Inside and outside clean

Inside and outside clean

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The half back control panel

The half back control panel

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Mirror ball

Mirror ball

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Whisky chasers

Whisky chasers

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Dirty diamond dogs

Dirty diamond dogs

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My maul

My maul

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Block and tackle

Block and tackle

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Always score - tackle the core

Always score - tackle the core

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Hidden threats from the deep

Hidden threats from the deep

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Kings of the counter ruck

Kings of the counter ruck

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Latch and smash

Latch and smash

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Finishing first

Finishing first

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Drift defence at scrums

Drift defence at scrums

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Counter ruck kings

Counter ruck kings

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Sizzling strikes, credible decoys

Sizzling strikes, credible decoys

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10 options... pivot plays

10 options... pivot plays

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Rugby Coach Weekly

Rugby Coach Weekly offers proven and easy to use rugby drills, coaching sessions, practice plans, small-sided games, warm-ups, training tips and advice.


We've been at the cutting edge of rugby coaching since we launched in 2005, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779