Don't squeeze it, post it - quickly!
Your team needs a range of tactics to improve the presentation of the ball at the point of contact. One method, which should not be confused with squeeze ball, is posting the ball between the legs during the contact, with other players clearing out defenders. It should provide quick ball, with the defence on the back foot.
Your team needs a range of tactics to improve the presentation of the ball at the point of contact. One method, which should not be confused with squeeze ball, is posting the ball between the legs during the contact, with other players clearing out defenders. It should provide quick ball, with the defence on the back foot.
Warm up time: 7-10
Session time: 10-15
Development time: 10-15
Game time: 10-15
Warm down time: 7-10
What to think about
Can the ball carrier use just one hand to hold the ball and place it on the ground?
It should be whatever is most comfortable and efficient for each player. Have the players try one and two hands, using both sides.
Is the ball placed just before – at the point of contact – or once the drive starts?
It depends on how competent and comfortable the player is in contact.
- Move forward in groups of four.
- Make the defender with the pad move to you by running to the side of the pad.
- Take the contact on your terms using a low body position.
- Place the ball between or to the side of your feet.
- Support with depth and pace.
What you get your players to do
Split your squad into at least three pairs of defenders with pads and two groups of four attackers. The first group attacks two defenders holding pads. The ball carrier posts (places) the ball on the ground just at the point of contact. Two support players bind on to him to drive away the defenders.
The ball is left at the back of the ruck, where the fourth player passes it to the next group of four, who repeat the exercise.
Speed post - The ball carrier places the ball on the ground while gripping the defender or pad with his free hand.
Allow the defenders to move forward but they must stay onside.
Get the players to roll the ball back gently to add more speed to the situation.
Defenders wear contact suits.
Game situation
Set up a conditioned game where only one pass is allowed before contact is made. The defence can use pads, suits or go live.
At first it may be a bit slow with some mauling but reinforce the need for quick dynamic play and encourage the “speed post.” This will lead to more space to exploit, players moving on to the ball more quickly and taking it forward.
What to call out
- “Choose one defender to attack”
- “Brace yourself and step into contact”
- “Stay low and drive your legs”
- “Place the ball firmly on the ground”
- “Sweep the ball away”