This session works through the main kicks needed in a match: Grubber, punt, box and high ball. The players will also be able to work on catching.
This session works through the main kicks needed in a match: Grubber, punt, box and high ball. The players will also be able to work on catching.
Warm up time: 5-7
Session time: 8-10
Development time:
Game time: 15-20
Warm down time: 5-8
What to think about
This session highlights the kicking skills your team needs to be using on a regular basis. You could start the session with some revision of techniques, such as:
- How to hold the ball.
- Where contact on the ball and foot should be.
- Where in relation to the knee should the ball be struck.
Be prepared to have a number of balls available to use because it is likely that kicks will go astray and you want to keep the session moving rather than running off to find the ball.
- Grubber: Kick on top of the ball.
- Punt: Kick the ball in its middle.
- Box kick: Line up towards the touchline and make contact on the point of the ball keeping head down, follow through at a 60 degree angle and keep light on the standing foot..
- Chaser: Run to the intended drop point.
- Catcher: Focus on the ball and move forward to make the catch.
What you get your players to do
Set up three players at three corners of a 10m square (see picture 1).
Get the first player to run with a ball along one side of the box and grubber kick the ball across the box when he reaches halfway.
He aims at the middle of the side he is running towards. The next player runs out to meet the kick, takes it to the corner opposite him, turns at the corner and repeats. Continue for at least three circuits before making the players work in the opposite direction.
One player running along the line, grubber kicking across the box to another player who gathers, runs to the corner and then runs along the next line to repeat.
One player box kicks the ball to a catcher (15) under pressure from a chaser (W).
Game situation
Set up nine players in the area (see picture 2). Start with a box kick and chase to a 15 (or winger). Get the ball caught and passed out for a wipers (cross field) kick. Once caught, the ball is passed infield for a high ball (see picture 3).
Add players to act as chasers and rotate players around the boxes.
The ball passed along the line for a “wipers” kick. This is gathered, passed infield for a high ball to the middle player.
What to call out
- “Dropping the ball onto the foot is key”
- “Kick for a reason, so focus on where you are kicking and why”