Plenty of your players come to rugby with some kicking ability from sports like soccer and then, with practice, become efficient kickers of the rugby ball. Work on their specific technique so they can develop that natural ability into a repeatable, accurate skill under pressure.

Plenty of your players come to rugby with some kicking ability from sports like soccer and then, with practice, become efficient kickers of the rugby ball. Work on their specific technique so they can develop that natural ability into a repeatable, accurate skill under pressure.
Warm up time: 5-7
Session time: 8-10
Development time: 10-15
Game time: 10-15
Warm down time: 5-8
What to think about
This session is ideal to give to players as “homework”. You can run the session and then the players can use elements of it when they are away from training.
It should give the players purpose for kicking the ball.
Learning or developing a kick from the weaker foot often acts as a way of improving the stronger foot. Because the player focuses in more detail on the techniques of the weaker foot, he can relax and use those techniques with the stronger foot. Though some players can kick well with both feet, it is a very rare commodity even at the top level.
- Kick to a specific target.
- The leg and foot follow through to that specific target.
- Use both the strong and weak kicking foot.
What you get your players to do
Put cones at 5m intervals back from a set of goal posts (see picture 2).
Get a kicker to start at the nearest cone and kick at the post. Concentrate on the foot following through to the target.
When he has hit the post once, then he moves back to the next cone. He tries to get back as far as he can in 10 attempts.

Keep checking the player for good technique.
Mark out the cones and balls as in picture 3. The kicker has one minute to kick five balls through the posts. The time element puts pressure on the technique to be repeated accurately.

A kicker standing 5m away from the posts. He kicks the ball at the posts. Every time he strikes the post he goes back 5m. He has 10 kicks to get as far back as possible.
Game situation
Put two players against each other in the 15m channel. They aim to kick the ball as far down the channel without kicking the ball out of the sides.
The receiving player kicks from where the ball lands or he catches it.
The first player to land the ball over the other player’s try line scores a point.

A kicker aims to kick each ball through the posts, all in one minute.
What to call out
- “Keep the ball in the middle of the body”
- “Hips and shoulders facing the target”
- “Push the leg through to the target”