Phases from static starts
Work on improving player timing and realignment by forcing players to begin a phase from a static start. Though many drills start in this way, you want to emphasise the stationary position. This will activate the mind because players will be thinking ahead. This might sort the more astute from the tactically less aware.

Work on improving player timing and realignment by forcing players to begin a phase from a static start. Though many drills start in this way, you want to emphasise the stationary position. This will activate the mind because players will be thinking ahead. This might sort the more astute from the tactically less aware.
Warm up time: 5-7
Session time: 8-10
Development time: 10-15
Game time: 10-15
Warm down time: 5-8
What to think about
Players cannot stand still in a match. Most players naturally move around once the ball is in play, though this does tend to lead to “creeping” where the players find themselves too flat.
Timing runs on to the ball requires patience and anticipation. The latter comes from constant practice, understanding your own strengths and what might happen with the ball carrier and defence. In the same way, be patient with your team in training to let them build these skills.
- Scan, think, then move. Where are you likely to receive the ball and when?
- Move into position, then wait for the inside man before you move again.
- Inside players: Don’t use up the space between attack and defence. Attack the ball hard but pass early.
What you get your players to do
Put four attackers between a set of cones. They stand with their feet close together facing down the pitch at a set of three gates A, B and C (see picture 1).
Shout out which gate they have to run to (they are all of different widths). One player becomes the feeder and the other players have to realign to take and give a pass to go through that gate (see picture 2).
Move the gates around and increase the distances apart.
Use one or two defenders to focus on closing down the first and second player in each group.

Four attackers standing with their feet close together facing up the pitch. Shout out a letter.

The attackers run to position themselves to give and take a pass to go through that particular gate.
Game situation
Put five attackers at the end of a 25m x 15m box.
Place three balls at positions A, B and C.
Shout out which ball to attack from. At the same time three defenders run around the corresponding cone at the side of the box and close down the attackers.
The attack has to pick up and score at the far end without the ball carrier being two-hand touched by a defender.

Five attackers use a nominated ball to attack to the far end. The defenders run around the nominated cone and aim to two-hand touch the ball carrier.
What to call out
- “Watch your inside man for your cue to run”
- “Hips up the field before you take the ball”