The most simple support system has one player either side of the ball carrier. This tripod formation means that the ball carrier can turn either way in contact or before contact to find support. However the system only works if the supporting players react correctly. This session creates situations for the supporters to read the movements of the ball carrier.

The most simple support system has one player either side of the ball carrier. This tripod formation means that the ball carrier can turn either way in contact or before contact to find support. However the system only works if the supporting players react correctly. This session creates situations for the supporters to read the movements of the ball carrier.
Warm up time: 7-10
Session time: 20-25
Development time: 10-15
Game time: 10-15
Warm down time: 7-10
What to think about
- Are the support players reading the ball carrier’s body movements and reacting to this?Ask the support players what they notice about the ball carrier’s movements before he changes direction. If he drops his right shoulder before moving left, the support players should see this initial movement and react.
- Does the ball carrier use a variety of passes depending on the situation?Make sure the initial ball carrier is faced with a number of defensive situations, where he has to pass to both sides, using a variety of passing options including one handed.
- When the ball carrier moves everyone else reacts.
- Supporting players: keep some depth and width enabling you to deal with any situation that occurs.
- Look to offload the ball to support players and keep forward momentum all the way to the line.
What you get your players to do
Split your squad into groups of three attackers and two defenders with contact shields. The middle attacker starts with the ball and attacks the two defenders. He has a number of options to beat the two defenders. He can use evasion, passing or contact skills. He can draw and pass the ball, or actively try and beat the defenders or take contact and offload.
The two other attackers keep a triangle “tripod” shape and react to the ball carrier. They are in the best position to do this if they maintain some depth and a bit of width.
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