Help players make good decisions at the breakdown over whether to pass, run or ruck, depending on how many defenders are threatening the tackle ball.
You want enough players to win quick ball without compromising your chances to launch effective attacks.
A 10m square, two ruck pads and a ball.
ACTIVITY: A feeder (F) and ball carrier (BC) start 5m apart, with a tackler (T) 2m in front of the ball carrier. Put support players A1 and A2 inside and outside the ball carrier, and a ruck pad-holder either side of the tackler, acting as inside and outside defenders. The feeder passes to the ball carrier, who takes on the tackler. Indicate whether you want one, two or no ruck pad-holders to come in over the ball. A1 and A2 then decide whether they need to come in to take out their respective defender. If no defender comes in, A1 comes in to clear the ball to A2. Develop by changing the starting points of the defenders and supporters, and removing one or both of the ruck pads from the holders.
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