"Jamming in" is a method of tackling by coming "out to in", which reduces the chances of the ball carrier passing wider.
The technique is part of a number of defensive systems and needs some form of decision making on when and how to make this type of tackle. This session sets up scenarios to introduce those decisions.
What you tell your players the session is about
What to think about
What you get your players to do
Put two attackers at one end of the box and two defenders on the corners of the other end.
Both groups jog forward, with the ball carrier passing just in front of the defender opposite him. The other defender then steps into the receiver, with his shoulder aimed at the ball. Once all the players have rotated, move to game speed and full contact.
Put two defenders at one end of the box facing out. You point to one of the three lines and the attackers start from here.
You shout “GO”. The first attacker has to run straight but can pass when he likes. The defenders turn, with one defender pressurising the ball carrier and the other working out whether to “jam in” or shepherd the ball carrier by not over committing, hoping to force an error.
Game situation
Put a scrum half (9) by the ruck. Get four attackers to come around from behind the ruck and line up to receive the ball with another attacker on the far side.
Set up three defenders against them, two starting by a cone slightly wider out to help them be in a good position to “jam in”. You shout when the ball should be released by the 9 and then let the play commence.
This article is from Rugby Coach Weekly.
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