The solution to this problem may turn into a play. The extra attacker arrives from behind the front line and looks to attack different gaps.
The hidden third attacker can create space for the ball carrier and front-line support player as the defenders might be drawn to potential threats.
A 15m x 10m box, several balls and cones.
Activity: Play with three attackers and two defenders. A feeder passes the ball into the attackers. The third attacker starts behind the front line. The attack should use passing and running to beat the defence. Initially, let your players have a go without any instruction on how to exploit potential gaps. A big help is to start them in an ‘L’ formation – this will add pace, depth and decoy. Once they have had several attempts, show them some options as outlined in the diagrams.
Development: The attackers start at the side and run into position, before receiving the ball. Allow grab tackling, so the ball carrier can pass out of the tackle.
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