This is a game that examines players’ ability to cope with a sudden move from attack to defence, or vice versa. It pressurises core skills and also highlights the importance of good communication between team mates.
What you need for this game
- 10 Players
- 1 Ball
- 10 Cones
Use cones to mark out a playing area measuring 30m x 10m with a halfway line at 15m. Both ends of the area are try lines. Use more cones to mark lines 2m in from either try line. These will form the “end zones”, as shown
Each team has two defenders and two attackers, plus a “goalkeeper”.
Each play ends when either a try is scored, an error is made by the attacking team, or three tackles have been made, at which point the opposition take possession and begin play through their goalkeeper.
What you do as coach
1. Divide your players into two teams of five. Each team must have a “goalkeeper”, two attackers and two defenders, one of whom is a “floater”.
A goalkeeper must always stay on his try line, unless an opposition player enters the end zone, when he can then move to make a tackle. However, he can’t move outside the end zone.
The floater begins in his own half, and can’t join an attack until the ball is in the opposition’s half.
Players can run with the ball and pass on the move, but, if tackled, must stop before making a pass.
On your whistle, the attacking team’s goalkeeper passes the ball to a team mate.
2. The attacking team make at least three passes in their own half, in any direction, before they can pass into the opposition’s half. Once the ball is over the halfway line, the floater can join the attack. The first pass in the opposition’s half must go backwards.
3. If an attacker makes an error, or is tackled in possession while in their own half, the ball is transferred to the opposing goalkeeper to start an attack.
Each attack lasts for three tackles only. To score, the player in possession must run over the try line or make a backwards pass in the end zone.
- 5-a-side.
- Each team has a goalkeeper and a floater.
- Start with pass from goalie.
- Explain: Although players can pass in any direction, you still want them to exhibit good core skills. Let them know what you expect.
- Attackers make three passes in own half.
- Floater joins when ball passes halfway.
- Observe: The goalkeeper can’t leave the end zone, but he should be communicating with his team mates at all times. Does he do this?
- Possession swaps after three tackles or error.
- Backwards first pass in other half.
- Note: When possession changes, players must manage the transition from attack to defence or vice versa, efficiently. Who does this well?