Good defence wins games. The more defenders on their feet, the better, so they must recycle themselves after tackles. Use this to build techniques and mindset.
Builds up the techniques and mindset for defenders to recycle themselves back into the game after a tackle.
One ball for each pair.
Activity: Split players into pairs on a series of reaction and speed games. Two players lie on their stomach, 2m apart, facing each other. On your whistle, they get to their feet and compete for a ball placed between them. You can vary their start positions. To develop explosive power, one player lies across the back of another. On the whistle, the player underneath must get up as quickly as possible before competing for the ball.
Development: A pair of tacklers work in a square, with six ball carriers. They must make as many tackles as they can in 30 seconds. A tackle only counts if the tackler gets back to their feet before the tackled player. Challenge pairs to beat each other’s scores.
Game: Six attackers play four defenders. Use normal rules, except that, once a tackle is made, the attackers must commit one player to the ruck and have a scrum-half to pass. The defenders can’t compete for the ball; instead, they must get back to their feet and realign to make the next tackle. See how many tackles the defenders can make before they concede a try.
The player pushes up explosively with their arms
They snap their feet into position under the body
Only when they are on their feet can they go for the ball
Game 1 (top): Players react to your whistle to get onto their feet and compete for the ball
Game 2 (bottom): Put a player onto the back of the prone player. Repeat above, so the prone player has to shift the other player before going for the ball
Six attackers jog around the square (size to suit abilities)
The tackler only scores a point if they beat the ball carrier back to their feet
Two tacklers aim to make as many tackles as possible in 30 seconds
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