Help players discover ways to retain possession in contact or find ways to rip the ball away from the opposition with the new tackle height laws in place.
Sometimes contact sessions need bone-on-bone activity to help players discover the best solutions.
A 10m circle and two balls, plus a 3m wide, 20m long channel, split into four boxes.
ACTIVITY: Two attackers, each with a ball, start in one half of the circle, with four defenders in the other half. On your shout of “Go!”, the attackers move into the defenders’ half-circle and must retain the ball for 10 seconds. If a defender leaves the circle, they must return through the attackers’ side of the circle. If the ball is ripped from one attacker, the defender, or defenders, can move on to work on the other.
GAME: Three attackers, each with a ball, start at the far end of the box. Put a defender in the spare boxes, with two in one box. The ball carriers must get to the far end of the channel without going out of it or losing the ball. The defenders have to stay in their boxes. They can tackle at hip height and above, but not above the ball. The attack has 30 seconds to score as many tries as possible. If an attacker goes out at the side of the channel, they must start again from the beginning. There is an incentive for the defenders to grab on to the ball to slow down the progress.
The ball carriers move into the other half-circle and must retain the ball for 10 seconds
Three ball carriers aim to get through the narrow channel to the far end. They have 30 seconds
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